IMU student talks day 2021
Courtesy of Itai Benjamini
The event will be held virtually (in ZOOM).
ZOOM link:
Password for the meeting = 9 factorial.
9:20 Opening
9:25-10:15 Lior Yanovski (Nessyahu prize recipient)
Title: Higher semiadditivity in chromatic homotopy theory, abstract
10:30-11:20 Ariel Amsalem (Haifa University)
Title: Separable deformations for a family of metacyclic group algebras, abstract
11:45-12:35 Alan Lew (Technion)
Title: Homological dimension, collapsibility and Helly type theorems, abstract
13:00-13:50 Akiva Melka (Bar Ilan University)
Title: Invasion Rate versus Diversity in Population Dynamics with Catastrophes, abstract
14:15-15:05 Matan Shalev (Tel Aviv University)
Title: The Diameter of Uniform Spanning Trees in High Dimensions, abstract
15:30-16:20 Netanel Levi (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Title: On the spectral analysis of Schrodinger operators on star-like graphs, abstract
16:45-17:35 Oran Danon (Ariel University)
Title: Rainbow cliques in randomly perturbed dense graphs, abstract
18:00-18:50 Shachar Carmeli (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Title: Higher Cyclotomic Extensions, abstract
19:15-20:05 Shirly Geffen (Ben Gurion University),
Title: C*-algebras attached to group actions, abstract.
Menachem Kojman, Ariel Yadin, Inna Entova-Aizenbud. Contact email:
מנחם קוג'מן, אריאל ידין, אינה אנטובה-איזנבוד . בכל נושא ניתן לפנות בדוא"ל