IMU Meeting 2016
Juen 02-05, 2016, Herods Dead Sea Hotel
Organizing committee: Lior Bary-Soroker (TAU), Vitali Milman (TAU), Yaron Ostrover (TAU).
*) Yisrael Aumann (Hebrew University)
*) Alexander Olevskii (Tel Aviv University)
*) ErdÅ‘s Prize recipient – Emanuel Milman (Technion)
IMU also invited one lecture of general scientific interest by:
*) Michal Linial (Hebrew University)
Parallel Sessions (and organizers)
Analysis – Nir Lev (BIU) & Gady Kozma (Weizmann)
Algebra – Dima Gourevitch (Weizmann)
Applied mathematics – Koby Rubinstein (Technion)
Asymptotic Geometric Analysis - Vitali Milman (TAU)
Combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics – Asaf Shapira (TAU)
Geometric, Analytic and Measurable Group Theory- Tobias Hartnick (Technion)
Geometry and Topology - Michael Brandenbursky (BGU) & Yaron Ostrover (TAU)
Mathematical Education – Avi Berman (Technion)
Probability theory – Ron Peled (TAU) and Asaf Nachmias (TAU)​