IMU Meeting 2019
June 13, 2019, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Givat Ram
Organizing committee: Yair Glasner (chair), Ron Adin, Crystal Hoyt, Tomer Schlank.
Winners in the Poster competition:
1st place: Shay Sadovsky, (TAU) “Mixed Volume Inequalities for Anti-Blocking Bodies”.
2nd place: Renan Gross, (Weizmann) “A conformal Skorokhod embedding”.
3rd place: Adi Weller-Weiser, (HUJI) “Harmonic functions vanishing on a cone”.
(Prize committee: Dr. Tomer Schlank from HUJI, Dr. Gal Binyamini from WIS).
Plenary morning session, Manchester Building, Hall 2.
9:00-9:45 IMU assembly meeting
10:00-10:45 Plenary talk, Ron Peled (TAU): The proper way to color a grid
11:00-11:45 Prize ceremonies and a plenary talk by the Erdős prize laureate
12:00-12:45 Plenary talk, Karim Adiprasito (HUJI): Dots, diagrams and dictionaries
Lunch Break
Parallel afternoon session, Sprinzak Building.
14:20-14:50 Talk 1
15:00-15:30 Talk 2
15:30-16:20 Poster session and coffee break at the IIAS lobby
16:20-16:50 Talk 3
17:00-17:30 Talk 4
17:40-18:10 Talk 5
Parallel Sessions (and organizers)
Algebra – Room 201 – Lior Bary-Soroker and Eitan Sayag.
Analysis – Room 213 – Gidi Amir and Nir Lev.
Applied Mathematics – Room 102 – Haggai Katriel and Raz Kupferman.
Discrete Mathematics – Room 115 – Roy Meshulam, Shakhar Smorodinsky, and Martin Golumbic. Joint with the 19th Haifa workshop on Interdisciplinary applications of graphs, combinatorics and algorithms.
Geometry and Topology – Room 202 – David Blanc and Ruth Lawrence-Neimark.
Math Education – Room 25 – Boris Koichu and Alon Pinto.
Poster Session – Lobby of the IIAS, together with the coffee – Noam Kolodner and Ary Shaviv