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Annual Meeting of the Israel Mathematical Union -2022

כנס שנתי של האיגוד הישראלי למתמטיקה תשפ"ג

Will be held on Monday, September 19th, 2022 in the Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva.


The first part of the meeting (plenary talks and assembly) will take place in Bldg. 98, room 1. The parallel sessions will take place in Bldg. 90, 1st floor.

יתקיים ביום ב', 19 בספטמבר 2022 (כ"ג באלול תשפ"ב)

באוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב, באר שבע.

החלק הראשון של הכנס (הרצאות אורח ואסיפת חברים) יתקיים בבניין 98, חדר 1. המושבים המקבילים יקיימו בבניין 90, קומה 1.



On September 20th, we will hold the IMU 2022 student talks day. Details and registration link can be found here.

Meeting Schedule

Meeting Schedule

   תכנית הכנס 

  • 9:30-10:00 Reception and refreshments (Bldg. 98)

  • 10:00-10:10 Opening ceremony

  • 10:10-11:00 Plenary talk by Uri Bader

Title: Arithmetic Groups Cohomology and Higher Property T


  • 11:10-11:20 Coffee break

  • 11:20-11:30 Prize ceremony

  • 11:35-12:30 Plenary talk by Wojciech Samotij,

Erdos Prize laureate.

Title: Large deviations in random graphs


  • 12:30-14:10 Lunch break and general assembly

  • 14:10-17:30 Parallel sessions (Bldg. 90)

  • 9:30-10:00 קפה וכיבוד (בניין 98)

  • 10:00-10:10 טקס פתיחת הכנס

  • 10:10-11:00 הרצאת אורח מאת אורי בדר

נושא: Arithmetic Groups Cohomology and Higher Property T


  • 11:10-11:20 הפסקת קפה

  • 11:20-11:35 הכרזת זוכי פרסים

  • 11:35-12:35 הרצאה מאת וויצ'ך סאמוטי​,

זוכה פרס ארדש.

נושא: Large deviations in random graphs


  • 12:30-14:10 הפסקת צהריים ואסיפה כללית

  • 14:10-17:30 מושבים מקבילים (בניין 90)

Parallel Sessions Organizers and Abstracts

Parallel Sessions

The parallel sessions will take place in Building 90. The numbers of the classrooms are indicated in the schedule.​

The talk by Mark Shusterman, the recipient of the Levitzki prize, will be given in ZOOM (the link apprears in the schedule below).

  • Algebra: Uriya First (University of Haifa). Abstracts

  • Algebraic Geometry: Howard Nuer (Technion). Abstracts

  • Applied Math:  Nadav Dym (Technion), Ron Levie (Technion). Abstracts

  • Combinatorics: Chaya Keller (Ariel University). Abstracts

  • Ergodic Theory and Groups: Arie Levit (Tel Aviv University). Abstracts

  • Geometry and Analysis: Liran Rotem (Technion). Abstracts

  • Math Education: Jason Cooper (Weizmann Institute), Anatoli Kouropatov (Levinskyi College). Abstracts

  • Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry: Michael Schein (Bar Ilan University). Abstracts

  • Operator Algebras: Guy Salomon (Weizmann Institute). Abstracts

  • Set Theory and Logic: Tanmay Inamdar (Bar Ilan University). Abstracts

Arriving in Ben Gurion University 

Directions to BGU

Arriving In Ben Gurion University: 

Buildings #98 and #90 are indicated by red circles on the map, and are located within about 50 meters of each other.

BGU campus is easily accessed by all trains arriving in Be'er Sheva.
Depart at Be'er Sheva North / University station.
Once exiting the train station, go right over the pedestrian bridge to the campus gate.
Inside campus, continue straight for about 300m and then turn right with the road. You will need to walk about 100 meters, when you will see both buildings in front of you - Building #98 will be on your left, and Building #90 will be on your right. 

If arriving by bus to BGU campus, you will most likely depart on Rager St., near the main entrance to campus (Gate of Knowledge). 
From the main gate, go straight ahead. Pass 2 roundabouts, and you will see Building #98 on your left. To get to Building #90, you need to walk a bit further (50 meters or so), and Building #90 will then be on your left

It is possible to arrive by car.  Parking on campus is severely limited, if you do not have a car entry permit it is possible to use the (inexpensive) parking lot adjacent to the sports center on the corner of Uri Zvi and Ben-Gurion streets.



Menachem Kojman, Ariel Yadin, Inna Entova-Aizenbud. Contact email:

 מנחם קוג'מן, אריאל ידין, אינה אנטובה-איזנבוד . בכל נושא ניתן לפנות בדוא"ל


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